The Table

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Church doesn't end just because the worship service is over. "Church" is the body of Christ seeking God's kingdom, not just an event on Sunday morning. Prayer, service, study and fellowship are important aspects of faith that shouldn't be restricted to the hour we sit in a pew. That's what the Table is all about. It's a private social network, just for our church, that enables us to connect 24/7, not just on Sunday.

The Table is our new online community at Grace Church. Pull up a chair!

How do I join?
You can sign up for the Table here: Put in your email and the "SECRET CODE" Grace528

That code will change in time but for our launch will be the same for a few weeks.

What's next?
Now that you're on the Table, here are five things you can do to get started:

1. Get rid of that default photo and upload your own profile pic. This will help people learn who you are.
2. Fill out the ‘About Me' section of your profile with your interests, gifts and skills. This will help connect you with others at church.
3. Browse ‘People' and click over to the map view to find other people from church who live near you.
4. Go to the ‘Prayer Wall' and pray for a few of the prayer requests. When you click ‘pray now' the person can be notified that you prayed for them--instant encouragement!
5. Browse ‘Groups' and join a few. If you don't see a group for your ministry or interest, go ahead and start one.

Need help?
If you need help with the Table we have two ways we can help you out:

1. Throughout the week you can contact one of our Table admins by emailing
2. You can also check out the Table's help section: